Laptop is the basic need of everyone now days, no matter who you are a school going student, a house wife, or a professional businessman, or a working job seeker, laptop or you can say desktop computer both work same and operationally similar, required for everyone.
Students needs it for their studies after pandemic condition ( COVID) is mandatory, or you can say we have reached on a level of studies where is very important for your kid to keep him/her self up to date.
If you are home maker you might be using it for communication, social media, school studies help for your kids and many other things you can do on your laptop or your desktop computers.
and if you are working man or women and you are doing jot or you own business than you have to carry a laptop with you for meetings and your business related data and mailing purpose, its like spine code for your business or your job.
But if these technology helps you in your business makes you process faster, these machine can some time give you trouble. Some time its keep hanging, or working very slow, and you might face laptop overheating issue, many other issue you can face in this article we will help you out from these issue and give you some tips to enhance you laptop speed and performance.

When you use laptops, they might give you some problems in it, some times its hang automatically, laptop might get heat